Airport Services


Arriving in St. Maarten

After disembarking from your aircraft, you will either enter Princess Juliana International airport (SXM) by shuttle bus off the tarmac or via a jet bridge from the plane directly into the terminal.

You are always required to fill out the Custom forms provided to you by your airline before landing. We also ask that you save your boarding passes and luggage tags. We will be needing these items. As you enter the terminal building, you will pass through the Transit Hall.


If you are in transit to another island, you can go directly to the Transfer Information Desk of the connecting airline. In the Transit Hall you will find the Transfer Information Desks of St. Barth Commuter, Winair and Windward Express.

If you are connecting on other airlines and charter operators such as American Airlines, Anguilla Air Services, Dutch Antilles Express (DAE), Inselair, LIAT, Trans Anguilla Airways, etc., you are required to go through Immigration and check in at their Transit Desks in the Bagage Claim Area or outside in the Check-In Hall.

AirStMaarten operates flights with each of these carriers and you will be advised in your confirmations to report to the Transit Information Desks or Check-In Counters of one of these carriers.

VIP Transfer Services

If you have booked our VIP Transfer Service, you must report to the AirStMaarten VIP Services agent you are referred to in the confirmation you will receive.

Our VIP Services agent will take your checked luggage tags. Transit Tax formalities will be taken care of on your behalf ($15 per person effective November 15th, 2008). You will be escorted through security screening to access the Departure Lounge area. A VIP Lounge is available where you can sit in comfort and privacy while you wait for boarding time. Access to the VIP Business Lounge is $20 per person.

In the meantime, your luggage will be collected and will be checked in with your outbound airline. Every effort will be made to get your luggage on the same flight as you. (DisclaimerThis cannot always be guaranteed. If there is not enough room for your luggage on your flight due to weight imbalance and safety issues, our staff will do their best get your luggage on another flight, irrespective of airline.)

Should there be a delay between your arrival and your outbound flight, our staff will endeavor to get you on the next available flight to your final destination. Should your incoming flight to St Maarten be delayed and you miss your outbound connection, every effort will be made to get you on the next available flight out.

If you are traveling to St. Barths or Anguilla and for any reason there are no flights available to these destinations, our staff will arrange a boat ferry and transfer you and your luggage to the dock. Alternatively we can arrange a private boat charter to St. Barths or Anguilla. You will be advised before of the additional costs involved.

If you have to overnight in St Maarten, our staff will arrange hotel accommodations for you, including taxi transfers, dining reservations, etc.. The extra costs of this is for your account and responsibility.

Premium VIP Meet & Greet Services (NEW!!!)

We offer a Premium VIP Meet & Greet Services which includes having our host or hostess meet you at the door of the aircraft and escort you directly to our VIP Lounge where you can sit, relax or freshen up while we clear you through Immigration and retrieve your luggage.

If you are in transit to another island, our host(ess) will escort you to the boarding gate at the appropriate departure time. While you wait on your departure you can enjoy the drinks and snacks on offer; watch the news on tv or access your emails via the internet computers.

Inquire about our Premium VIP Services. Rates starts at $200 per couple.

Staying on St. Maarten

If you are staying on St. Maarten, you must clear Immigration. If you have booked our VIP Meet & Greet, you will be taken to the priority line and expedited through the Immigration Clearance process by our VIP Services agent.

In the Bagage Claim Area, immediately after the Immigration Customs booths, you will await the arrival of your luggage together with our VIP Services agent. Once you have identified your luggage and you have taken these off of the baggage carrousel, our VIP Services agent will have these transferred and escort you out into the Arrival Area. There you will either be handed over to the host or hostess of our Groundhandling Services or transportation will be arranged for you.

For more information about our Groundhandling and VIP Island Concierge Services, click here.

Arriving in St. Barths

On arrival in St Barths, you will be met in the Arrivals Hall after clearing passport control. Your hand luggage will be carried for you and your checked luggage tags will be taken from you and your luggage taken care of.

You will be escorted to your accommodations service provider representative or hotel driver for the transfer to your place of stay. Should your bags be delayed we can deliver them for you.

Please noteIn St. Barths we are not allowed to provide ground transportation. We can arrange a taxi or car rental if your accommodations provider does not provide transportation to and from your place of stay.

St Barths Departure

We will pick up your checked luggage from your place of stay on St Barths, take your passports and tickets from you and check you in before you arrive at the airport. When you arrive at the airport, all you have to do is board the aircraft.

Upon arrival in St Maarten again, you must report to our VIP Services agent at the Transfer Information Desk in the Transit Hall. You will be cleared through Immigration and your luggage collected with you. You will be taken to the priority line for your outbound flight and expedited through the check-in process. Departure Tax formalities will be taken care of on your behalf by our VIP Services agent.

You will then be escorted through passport check points, through security screening and into the Departure Lounge on the first floor where can enjoy snacks and/or drinks or do some last minute shopping in the duty free gift shops and bookstores. You can also enjoy the comfort and privacy of the VIP Lounge.

If you are not flying on one of our private charters or shared charters but flying on a commercial carrier instead, we cannot guarantee that your luggage will be on the same flight, however every effort will be made to ensure their safe arrival. For more information about our shared charters to and from St. Barths and Anguilla, click here.

Request a price quotation here>>>

St. Barths Villas and Private Charter Services

Photo by Dennis Carlton from Villa "Case et Cuisine".

Photo Gallery

Transit Information Desks

View of the Transit Info Desks from entrance gates 1 and 2

View of the Transit Information Desks after entering through Gate 1 or 2.
The Immigration booths are in the opposit direction.

View of Transit Info Desks from entrance gates 3 and 4

View of the Transit Information Desks after entering through Gate 3 or 4.
The Immigration booths are down to the end of the hallway.

Roundtrip Flights Under $150


Twin Otter available for charters

Twin Otter available for private charters

The Twin Otter is a perfect aircraft for groups of up to 19 passengers. This aircraft will be ready for performing charter flights as of November 15th, 2008. We operate as a virtual airline. Meaning we don't own our own aircrafts. We represent various airlines and aircraft operators with a diversity of planes of different capacities: 7, 9 and 19 seats who operate flights and charters on our behalf, making it possible to provide you with better flexibility for whatever size your group group may be.

Twin Otter aircraft specifications:

Seating Capacity: 19
Location of Exit Row: Row 2
Wingspan: 65'
Fuselage Length: 51' 9"
Cruising Speed: 160 knots
Engines: 2
Pilots: 2

Private Charters VIP Style
Flying you when you want to and where you want to without hassles!!!

It's just smarter to charter !!!

Other aircrafts available for private charters throughout the Caribbean:

Super King Air B200

Super King Air B200 9-seater twin-engine aircraft

Piper Navajo Panther

Piper Navajo Panther 7-seater twin-engine aircraft

Lear 25 jet 

Lear 25 jet

This Lear jet is also available for medevac charter flights.

Visit to request a charter.

Contact us

- Website:
- Email:
- Telephone: +1-721-526-4420
- Charters: +1-721-523-3564
- Faxnumber: +1-866-503-0347

- Please read our Disclaimer, Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use first.